
【前沿講座】航空旅客忠誠度: 以中國商務旅客為例
2017年05月19日 信息來源:董思茵 瀏覽次數:8090
  • 講座人:
  • 講座時間: 05月20日 14:30--17:30
  • 講座地點:思東821
  • 預約人數:100




講座內容:This study examines the key factors that determine business traveler loyalty toward full-service airlines in China. Based on literature review and panel interview, ten airline attributes under three categories were derived: (a) operational factors: safety, punctuality, and aircraft; (b) competitive factors: frequency of flights, schedule, frequent flyer program, ticket price, and reputation; and (c) attractive factors: in flight food & drinks and in flight staff service. We surveyed 2000 Chinese business travelers on domestic flights, obtaining 462 usable questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analysis reveals that reputation, in-flight service, frequent flyer program, and aircraft have the greatest influence in driving airline loyalty.

主講人信息:英國諾森比亞大學紐卡斯爾商學院(Newcastle Business School)博士生導師。擔任多家國際刊物和國際學會的編委和專家審稿人。在國際期刊和年會先后發表40多篇國際頂級前沿學術論文, 其中多篇被SSCI高影響因子的期刊收錄。


學號 報名時間
14113108  2017-05-19 08:39
15113190  2017-05-19 08:44
15120494  2017-05-19 08:43
15120542  2017-05-19 08:44
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16120716  2017-05-19 08:34
16120736  2017-05-19 08:37
16120737  2017-05-19 08:37
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16125242  2017-05-19 08:41
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16125270  2017-05-19 08:36
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16125365  2017-05-19 08:42
16125370  2017-05-19 08:43
16125371  2017-05-19 08:43
16125372  2017-05-19 08:44
16125378  2017-05-19 08:44

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